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Our Current Work

Significant expansion across Senegal

Thanks to support from the USDA, we are partnering with Counterpart International’s McGovern-Dole Food for Education Program: Sukaabe Jango (Children of Tomorrow) to implement the tablet-based learning program in 75 schools for a four-year program. The initial five-school pilot launched in April 2023. Imagine Worldwide and ARED are the two literacy-focused partners within the consortium, and we are grateful for ARED’s continued support based on the prior work in the region.

Kolda, Senegal

Serving Government Primary Schools

Serving 4th graders in a combination of after-school and in-school programming in Kolda and Sedhiou regions.

Implementation Partner: Counterpart International

Current Students: 5,304

Current Sites: 65

Senegal Impact At a Glance

Children Served




Tablets Distributed


Hours on Tablet


State of Education in Senegal

Positive momentum despite limited resources and disruptions to learning affecting millions of students across the country

Senegal has made significant progress in improving access to education in recent years, increasing enrollment rates, reducing gender disparities, and improving the quality of education. However, there are still significant challenges to overcome. A large portion of Senegalese citizens relies on agriculture and pastoralism for their livelihood. Unfortunately, a persistent drought in 2017 severely impacted crop and animal production. Today, approximately 751,000 people face crisis levels of acute food insecurity and chronic malnutrition affects 17 percent of children younger than age five. Children that are deprived of sufficient nutrition are unable to stay attentive in school and attend on a regular basis. These challenges to nutrition, health, and literacy are closely intertwined and will all be addressed by Counterpart’s McGovern-Dole Sukaabe Jango (Children of Tomorrow) program.

Population: 17.85 million

Number of early grade children: 2.2 million

Primary school completion rate (2019 pre-COVID): 69%

Literacy rate for ages 15-24: 64%

Pupil/Teacher ratio in primary schools: 39:1

Senegal Partners
Counterpart International
Burkina Faso Ghana Liberia Malawi Senegal Sierra Leone Tanzania