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Imagine Worldwide
The Sites

Burkina Faso

Our Current Work

Serving multiple government-run primary schools

Despite political instability in Burkina Faso over the past year, we completed a successful two-school pilot in partnership with Catholic Relief Services and support from the USDA McGovern Dole Food for Education Program. This has been an important test for our hybrid model where the program is both school and community-based and provides ongoing access to learning despite disruptions.

We launched the program in 16 schools in 2023, serving over 7,500 students over the next three years.

Pissila, Burkina Faso

Pissila and Tibtenga, Burkina Faso
Serving children through a center-based learning program designed for grades 1 to 3

Implementation Partner:
Catholic Relief Services

Current Students:

Current Sites:

Burkina Faso Impact at a Glance

Children Served


Program Sites


Tablets Distributed


Hours on Tablet


Early Pilots and Evidence Building in Burkina Faso

The first phase of our work in Burkina Faso was a pre-pilot in two schools in which we validated the suitability of the delivery model and the fit of our software application in this context.

Primary School Sites

Serving children through a center-based learning program designed for grades 1 to 3

  • Location: Pissila and Tibtenga, Burkina Faso
  • Curriculum and Language of Instruction: Math and Literacy (in French)
  • Research Focus: How well is the delivery model working? How suitable is the intervention for learners at the different grade levels?
  • Type of Study: Implementation Study
State of Education in Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso has one of the lowest literacy rates in the world for both child and adult populations.

Burkina Faso faces numerous challenges from overcrowded classrooms to high student-to-teacher ratios, with a significant gender gap in literacy rates of 32% for adult females and 50% for adult males.

Population: 20 million

Number of early-grade children: 5.5 million

Primary school completion rate: 54%

Out-of-school adolescents and children: 2 million

Burkina Faso Partners
Catholic Relief Services
Burkina Faso
Burkina Faso Ghana Liberia Malawi Senegal Sierra Leone Tanzania