War Child's and partners' Can't Wait to Learn program works exclusively to improve the resilience and wellbeing of children affected by armed conflict, by using custom gaming technology to deliver quality education.
ActionAid is a global justice federation working to achieve social justice, gender equality and poverty eradication.
In Sierra Leone their priorities include women’s rights, the rights to food, education, security and the right to just and democratic governance.
Afrikids' mission is to listen to local people and empower them to make sustainable changes themselves
so that every child in northern Ghana can be happy, healthy, safe and in school.
CRECCOM is a local Malawian NGO based in Zomba City in the Southern Region of Malawi. The organization has over 24 years of experience in social empowerment and community mobilisation on a variety of issues.
EducAid is a UK-registered charity (1163161) and Sierra Leone-registered NGO that has been working in Sierra Leone for more than 25 years.
EducAid runs an educational network of free schools and school improvement projects, working on gender equality and improving community resilience.
Edukans is an international NGO with headquarters in the Netherlands and country offices in Malawi, Kenya, Ethiopia and Uganda. They provide marginalised children and youngsters around the world with basic education and vocational training. They focus on four key themes: quality basic education, vocational education, education in emergencies and equal opportunities for boys and girls.
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<div class="testimonial-content">Find Your Feet Malawi (FYF) is a leading local non-governmental organisation focused on agriculture, agri business and value chains, strengthening local governance systems and health as the precursor for growth and rural livelihoods improvement.</div>
Holistic Focus for the Marginalized
Holistic Focus for the Marginalized uses the holistic approach to transform the marginalized people, both refugees and Malawians into proactive, self-reliant and principal actors of their own lives.
Integrity Church School
Integrity Church School is a pre-primary and primary school serving over 800 children and youth in Dzaleka.
Rays of Hope is a faith-based organization that uses the Transformative Education Model to strengthen the skills of teachers, support learners, and provide financial solutions to youth for a productive life.
Rising Academy Network's mission is to create schools that open doors and change lives. Through great curriculum, intensive teacher coaching and actionable data, we help teachers and school leaders bring quality to every classroom.
Salama Africa
Salama Africa is an organization which has an aim of bridging cultural diversities and gathering people for the common fight against extreme poverty, by targeting the marginal refugee youth and children.
SEND Sierra Leone is a non governmental organization that aims at alleviating poverty and shaping lives with the support of families, traditional leaders, government and other developmental organization.
Ulalo (formerly CYD) tackles the challenge of children and youth failing to reach their educational potential. They do this by partnering with children and youth, schools, communities, and governments to design and deliver solutions that equip them with skills to attain further education, overcome gender inequities, start businesses, get jobs, and drive development in their communities.
UNHCR is a global organization dedicated to saving lives, protecting rights and building a better future for refugees, forcibly displaced communities and stateless people.
War Child's and partners' Can't Wait to Learn program works exclusively to improve the resilience and wellbeing of children affected by armed conflict, by using custom gaming technology to deliver quality education.
West Africa Blue supports communities in stewarding their natural resources and improving their livelihoods. Working hand-in-hand with them to preserve, restore and sustainably manage coastal ecosystems in West Africa is central to West Africa Blue's mission.
YONECO is a registered local Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) that was founded in 1997 to respond to issues that affect the youth, women and children in Malawi.
The University of Dar es Salaam will advance the economic, social and technological development of Tanzania and beyond through excellent teaching and learning, research and knowledge exchange.
War Child's and partners' Can't Wait to Learn program works exclusively to improve the resilience and wellbeing of children affected by armed conflict, by using custom gaming technology to deliver quality education.
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