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Our Current Work

Serving children at government-run primary schools

We launched a two-school pilot with Rising Academy Network in September 2022, expanding to an additional 20 schools in January 2023. We plan to roll out to 95 schools by September 2024, serving over 20,000 students per year.

Government Partners

  • Liberia Ministry of Education

Montserrado, Liberia

Montserrando, Bomi, River Gee, Sinoe, and Grand Bassa Counties
Serving students in grades 1-6 at schools that receive management support as part of LEAP (Liberia Education Advancement Program)

Implementation Partner:
Rising Academy Network

Current Students: 8,217

Current Schools: 61

Liberia Impact At a Glance

Children Served




Tablets Distributed


Hours on Tablet


Early Pilots and Evidence-Building in Liberia

The pilot, in partnership with Rising Academies, was critical for testing and building out scale models in new contexts.

Pilot at Government-run Primary Schools

We served children in two government-run schools under the Partnership Schools for Liberia program

  • Location: Montserrado County, Liberia
  • Curriculum and Language of Instruction: Math and Literacy (in English)
  • Research Focus: How well is the delivery model working? How suitable is the intervention for learners at the different grade levels?
  • Type of Study: Implementation Feasibility Study
State of Education in Liberia

Liberia is significantly behind many other African countries in nearly all education statistics

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, Liberia was already faced with the challenge of emerging from a prolonged and brutally destructive period of civil unrest followed by the 2015 school closure due to the Ebola Viral Disease (EVD) outbreak.

Population: 5.18 million

Children out-of-school (percentage of primary school age): 21%

Student-to-teacher ratio: 22.32

Primary School completion rate: 60.6%

Minimum reading proficiency achieved by the end of primary: 14%

Official literacy rate: 48.30%

Liberia Partners
Burkina Faso Ghana Liberia Malawi Senegal Sierra Leone Tanzania
Rising Academy Network
Ghana Liberia Sierra Leone